Shows and Productions - 2020

Twelfth Night
(12 Nights In Lockdown)

William Shakespeare

Full trailer for Twelfth Night (Twelve Nights in Lockdown)
Promotion video explaining why we decided to attempt a show during Lockdown
About this production
At the start of 2020, with theatres dark, amateur productions cancelled, and charities desperately needing support, we had an idea (and this was a new idea when we had it!!) Filmed using zoom, as well as the actors’ own home cameras, this was Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night” as you’ve never seen it before…we even set it in the world of social media!

We invited actors from a local group, The Duston Players, to join us, and over the course of two weeks gave ourselves a much needed wellbeing boost, and raised over 600 for the Hope Centre (providing shelter, food, as well as life skills and employability training for those homeless) in a “donate what you can” YouTube premiere. Many of the CLICK Team were also involved in a number of other fundraising activities for Hope that year.

Hope said: “Between you and all our fundraisers, you have made a huge dent in the £650,000 we need to raise each year to keep Hope up and running.We are so grateful to all of you and know that, without you, we’d struggle to keep the centre up and running.”
Venue and production team
Venue: Via Zoom
Producer: Audrey Tang
Tech: David Sanderson and Audrey Tang
Full trailer for Twelfth Night (Twelve Nights in Lockdown)
Promotion video explaining why we decided to attempt a show during Lockdown
Full trailer for Twelfth Night (Twelve Nights in Lockdown)
Promotion video explaining why we decided to attempt a show during Lockdown