Shows and Productions - 2017



About this production
An amateur production by arrangement with Samuel French Ltd. This production was chosen specifically to raise awareness of co-ercive control in relationships and supported MIND. It featured on LBC and Sky’s The Chrissy B Show.

To gaslight someone is a form of emotional abuse where a person’s experiences are manipulated, systematically, so that they no longer trust their own judgment. The behaviours are clearly codified in this play by Patrick Hamilton written in the late 30’s and originally set within the “…time of the feeble dawn between gaslight and tea” and billed as A Victorian Thriller. The story focuses on Jack and Bella Manningham, the latter clearly anxious, and as the play progresses we begin to learn exactly what is causing the problems within the household. A review of Hamilton’s work identified that he appeared to believe - our greatest enemies are those closest to us, and sometimes, there is no good reason as to why those we love can turn out to be such a threat.
Venue and production team
Show Venue:The Etcetera Theatre, London
Director:Ashley Alymann
Stage Manager: Abigail Gill
Tech:David Sanderson

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